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May 31, 2019

Lockhart's X Mental Health

Nichole Lockhart Today is the last day of May, Mental Health Awareness Month.  However, the topic doesn't becom...

Sep 20, 2018

Authentic Man Spotlight - Monstrosity's Mike Hrubovcak

It's no secret, the Lockhart's lab is frequently banging some very loudmusic. Gutteral vocals, grinding guitars, and smashing percussive assaultshave scared a fair share of delivery men as they've dropped off packagesin the workshop. I've recently had the privilege to begin collaboratingwith one of my favorite current metal album cover artists and currentvocalist of the brutal death metal band “Monstrosity” and has been amember of many bands in the past such as Vile,  Hypoxia, Azure Emote andAbraxas. His artwork can be found over at so be sure togo and check it out. That project will be released in the near future sokeep an eye out for it. Today we get the chance to go inside the twistedgore obsessed mind of the madman we know as Mike Hrubovcak.

Oct 31, 2017


Halloween is here so forget about the pop and classic rock music on the radio, dim the lights, light some black candles, and turn on one of these albums. Last year I made a list of the 6 MUST WATCH HALLOWEEN MOVIES so this year I give you 5 of my favorite dark/dreary Doom albums that have been on my playlist all October long.

Oct 6, 2017

New jams you need in your life: Black Dahlia Murder "Nightbringers"

We take no responsibility for any faces that are melted off while listening to this new album. Enjoy.  

Aug 25, 2017

Barber Spotlight #2: Austin Buice

Hello everyone, Randy here back with another interview for our Barber Spotlight Series. This time I've brought on Austin Buice of First Cut Barbers out of Jacksonville, Florida.

Aug 11, 2017

Authentic Man: Ricardo Garcia

Welcome back to our Authentic Man series, where we take a look at unique individuals from across the globe sharing their unique life experiences. On this installment we interviewed a loyal Lockhart's customer, Ricardo Garcia.

Jul 13, 2017

Authentic Man: Josh Samples; Garden Designer

Welcome back to the second installment of our Authentic Man series where we will be interviewing people from around the world who have specializations that push the boundaries on what we know to be art and culture. For this segment we interviewed Josh Samples, nationally acclaimed Garden and Floral Designer. We recently had a sit down with Josh to find out more about his inspirations and how he manages to stay true to his lifestyle.

Jun 20, 2017

Barber Spotlight #1: Phil McWilliams

Welcome to our first interview in our Barber Spotlight series where we will be interviewing barbers from all over the globe to get an inside look on their unique cultures and traditions. This week we will be interviewing Phil from Eastside Barber shop located in the small Kentucky town of London. Phil is a close friend of us here at Lockhart’s and is excited to be a part of our first Q and A session.

Mar 23, 2017

Ingredients Spotlight: Avocado Oil

Today we're going to begin a new series in the Lockhart's Journal. This is something I've been meaning to do for a long time and my busy schedule has kept me from doing it. Today I've decided to stay late in the office and just get to it. This is a topic that I find to be incredibly important and I hope you feel the same way. In the Ingredient Spotlight blog posts I will explain more about the ingredients that we use in our products and why exactly we use them. 

Oct 31, 2016

6 Must Watch Horror Movies for Halloween

Halloween has and always will be my favorite holiday. Michigan is absolutely beautiful and there are endless fall activities to enjoy this time of year. My favorite however, is to dim the lights, and put on a great horror flick. Whether it's an old fashioned gore fest or a cheap scare film, they're all fun. Here's a list of my 6 must watch movies for the Halloween season. 
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